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General information

The International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) is the most important event in the world on Cognitive Sciences of Music. Next to the Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), it represents the conference on Psychology of Music with the largest encompass on a global level. We are glad to announce that in July 2018, the National University of La Plata will be the South American hub of ICMPC15/ESCOM10.

The realization of the ICMPC15/ESCOM10 in Argentina adds to a series of activities promoted by local researchers on Music Psychology, a field of study of long history and current development in Latin America. On the one hand, the Argentinian Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (SACCoM) is in the last 17 years so far one of the main organizations in South America responsible for disseminating research on music perception and cognition. SACCoM periodically organizes the Encounter for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ECCoM), an event of international scope in which researchers on music perception and cognition from all Latin America participate, and whose 13th edition has been realized on September 2017.

On the other hand, the research team of the Laboratory for the Study of Musical Experience (LEEM), located in Faculty of Fine Arts of National University of La Plata, promote the field developing a corpus of research that has local and international impact, and organizing events for its dissemination. On April, LEEM was the hub of Global Arts and Psychology Seminar (GAPS) an event that involved five universities of different parts of the world connected by streaming, interacting during presentations, questions and discussion of works. Four of that universities will be hubs of ICMPC15/ESCOM10 in 2018.

Both ICMPC and ESCOM conferences (European Society of Cognitive Sciences of Music) have progressively centralized a great amount of research on music perception and cognition. For the above-mention reason, and also with the desire of promoting inclusion and interculturality on international events which calls for papers have global scope, ICMPC15/ESCOM10 will take place between 23th to 28th July 2018,simultaneously on four locations, continuously communicated through Internet: La Plata (Argentina), Graz (Austria), Montreal (Canada) y Sydney (Australia).



ICMPCs promote dissemination of theoretical and empirical research of a large field of study of music. Musical disciplines involved in the 15ICMPC/10ESCOM will be psychology, cognitive sciences, neurophysiology, linguistics, computer science, artificial intelligence, acoustics, psychophysics, sociology, systematic musicology, music theory and analysis, musicology, ethnomusicology, anthropology, history, aesthetics, philosophy, music performance, composition, education, medicine, and therapy.


The 15ICMPC/10ESCOM will have as hubs the National University of La Plata (La Plata, Argentine), University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia), University of Graz (Graz, Austria) and Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), becoming in the very first event of Psychology of Music which will be launched simultaneously in different locations of the world.

All hubs will have the same status, with the exception for peer review, global program, and technical support, which will be on behalf of Graz.

Multiple hubs format pursues the objective of making a more inclusive, intercultural and environmentally friendly conference. We hope that decentralization of conference locations increase participation of researchers on the event, whose inclusion in the program will depend more on academic quality and less on the mobility or financial means.

Researchers can choose any hub to present their work.


Semi-virtual format


The official language of the conference is ENGLISH. Both oral presentacion of works and abstract writing must be done in english.

Internet transmission

Live-streamed transmission allows remote and passive inclusion of students, researchers and journalists, who can watch live presentations and participate on live discussions, without travel to any hub.

All presentations will be live-streamed for the rest of the hubs and for the virtual assistants in any spot of the world. After live-streamed presentations, a time for questions and global discussion will be open in which all assistants will participate, both presents at any hub, and remote participants also.

    • Direct and pre-recorded transmissions will be available for all participants of the event.
    • Once live-streamed talks end, their audiovisual record will be immediately available.
    • After talk is over, the authors can disseminate their abstracts, complete works and audiovisual records of presentations and discussions on Internet
    • During the conference, participants can virtually communicate with colleagues in other hubs, spontaneously or with previous planning.

ICMPC’s homepage:


Conference chair: Richard Parncutt
Conference co-organizer: Sabrina Sattmann

La Plata Hub
Organizer: Isabel Cecilia Martínez
Organizing committees: Luiz Naveda, Favio Shifres, Joaquín Blas Pérez, Alejandro Pereira Ghiena

Graz Hub
Organizer: Richard Parncutt
Organizing committees: Annemarie Seither-Preisler, Andrea Schiavio, Daniel Reisinger, Nils Meyer-Kahlen

Montreal Hub
Organizer: Eldad Tsabary y Christine Beckett
Organizing committees: Mark Corwin, Angelique Wilkie, Josh Rager

Sydney Hub
Organizer: Emery Schubert
Organizing committees: Dorothy Fabian, Riza Veloso, Anthony Chmiel, Marco Susino


Registration and Payment

Call for Papers

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