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ICMPC15/ESCOM10 – Registration and Payment


Registration and Payment

All participants of La Plata hub -physical and remote participants, both active and passive- have to pay through the payment page and then complete the registration form (both links at the end of this page). You will need your receipt number on the registration process. Before paying, check the categories of registration.

Only University of La Plata graduates are exempt from payment. To register, upload a student status certificate in the registration form.

Fees are collected in local currency (Argentine pesos) for Residents in Argentina and in dollars for Residents Abroad. If you do not reside in Argentina, choose the ‘Residents Abroad’ payment button.

Please register by 30 April 2018 to ensure your place on the program and take advantage of the early registration discount. After that, registration fees will rise. Late registration deadline will be 30 June 2018. Pay by this date to ensure your place in the program

IMPORTANT: Before paying for registration, ensure that the webpage you are visiting is not a fake.


Categories of registration

Remote participants will watch live streams from any global location and may also contribute to written discussions. They will have access to the live streaming presentations through a Moodle platform with an individual password.

A limited number of researchers whose abstract submissions are accepted will have the option of remotely presenting a prepared video. Researchers with restricted mobility, political limitations (if they cannot leave the country or can not obtain a visa), or severe financial limitations (inability to pay for the trip) will be included in this modality. These presentations will be reviewed by the organizing committee.



Before concluding your registration please carefully read the following:

  1. All registered participants will have access to all live streams and all recorded videos during the conference in a closed electronic system. These materials are confidential and may only be shared with other registered conference participants. Links may be forwarded or published only with written permission of the first author and all speakers.
  2. The conference organisers cannot guarantee that all participants will respect point 1. Therefore, all spoken and written presentations during the conference must be presented as if they were public. Authors and presenters are responsible for respecting local and international laws in areas including copyright, privacy, and defamation.
  3. The conference or hub organisers cannot be held responsible for infringements of the above agreements by conference participants.

Therefore, you must respect the three points outlined above when you complete your registration to the conference.

After that go to the payment area.


I agree and continue for Payment (ONLY for Residents in Argentina) >>>>

I agree and continue for Payment (FOREIGNERS) >>>>>