Red de sitios web de centros de I+D+T

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File labels

Please label all submitted files with surname of first author followed by contribution ID number like this: Gupta31.pdf, Perrault1022.mp4, Smith771.pptx. To find out your contribution ID(s), check the first email(s) you received from


Revised abstracts

Please upload your revised abstract (in pdf format) in ConfTool by May 31 2018, using this template.



If your talk/poster submission has been accepted, as a long talk, short talk, or poster, you are invited to submit a longer paper to the conference proceedings. Contribution is voluntary. Please first download the guidelines and read them carefully. After completing your text, upload it to ConfTool. Deadline: 31 May 2018.



Printed posters in DIN-A0 format (portrait orientation) will be displayed at each hub in regular poster sessions. Every poster can also be presented in any number (preferably all) of the following ways:

  • Electronic (pdf, DIN-A4) in the password-protected conference system, for electronic discussion.  You will upload this yourself and there is no deadline.
  • Introductory video. The guideline is here and the submission deadline is 31 May 2018.
  • Live lightning presentation (one minute). For this, bring a short ppt file to the conference.



Software: Please use Powerpoint and store your files as pptx. Slide size should be standard (4:3) — not wide (16:9). This is to ensure that your YouTube stream has space next to the ppt slides for your talking head. To change Slide size, click on Design. Please also have a pdf version of your talk ready in case there is a problem with ppt. Please also upload a pdf version of your ppt to your Moodle page when it is ready. If you are playing sound files or videos during your talk, please embed them in the ppt and save the original files in the same folder as a backup. As an additional backup, we will ask you to upload your ppt to Moodle and to send it to before wednesday.

Hardware: All presenters can use their own computer to run the presentation. The device must have an hdmi output.

There will be a computer in the room, for those presenters who do not have their own device. In this case, all AV materials for presenting talks must be stored on USB sticks. Speakers who wish to run special software during their talk are asked to prepare video examples and incorporate them into a ppt file or similar. Please bring two data sticks with all materials stored on both.

Timing: Presenters of long talks should plan to speak for 15 minutes; short talks, 10 minutes. If everything goes well and there is no delay, speakers in long talks will get an extra 4 minutes; short talks, an extra 2 minutes. During these extra minutes, you can show extra slides; please be ready to leave them out if there is a delay. With no delays, the time plan for long talks (30-minute slot) will be: intro 1 min, talk 19 min, questions 7 min, room change 3 min. For short talks (20-minute slot): intro 1 min, talk 12 min, questions 4 min, room change 3 min. Chairs will not usually introduce speakers, but the extra minute at the start may be necessary for other reasons. Please note that the program will not be delayed for any reason. If a program event is delayed, the next program event will start on time.

Technical meetings: Presenters of long and short talks must check their software and hardware with the technical assistants before the talk. Please, check the schedule for this short meetings:


  • 9.30 to 10: Short talks 2 – Emotion
  • 14 to 14.30: Long Talks 2 -Meaning
  • 19.30 to 20: Long Talks 1 – Development


  • 9 to 9.30: Long Talks 3 – Performance
  • 13.30 to 14: Short Talks 3 – Improvisation & Short Talks 4 – Movement


  • 8.30 to 9: Short Talks 6 – Performace & Long Talks 4 – Structure
  • 11.30 to 12: Short Talks 1 – Development


  • 10 to 10.30: Keynote & Short Talks 5 – Perception
  • 14 to 14.30: Short Talks 7 – Acoustics and Philosophy



Thank you to all those who have accepted a request to chair a session. Please read the following carefully and let us know if anything is unclear.

Please attend one of the scheduled meetings for chairs at your hub before your session. Please also arrive at your session half an hour early to meet the presenters and make sure everyone understands the procedure.

The time will be displayed on a computer, tablet, or mobile phone on the front desk. Please start each talk on time within ten seconds, regardless of what is happening in your room. You can do that by standing behind the lectern and speaking clearly into the microphone, ignoring any people who might be coming, going, or talking. You will be seen on the live stream, which will run constantly throughout the session, having started during the previous break. Next to you will be the projected title page of the speaker’s ppt.

Introductions should be short please — perhaps 10-15 seconds. For example: “Welcome to this session on cognition. My name is Roger Rutley from the Global University of Auckland in New Zealand and it is my pleasure to welcome the first speaker, Jill Wang from the Rumanian National University.” There is no need to read out the talk title or say anything else.

Then you can relax and enjoy the paper. Feel free to sit anywhere. A student assistant will sit in the middle of the front row and hold up signs saying 5 minutes to go, 4, 3, 2, 1, Time’s up.

Some talks are transmitted live to other hubs. Others will be seen at other hubs after a time delay. The procedure for discussion is different in these two cases.

In the case of live transmission: when the speaker finishes and the applause starts, the technician will switch from YouTube live stream (1-way communication) to Zoom (2-way). If the speaker does not stop, please stand next to him or her as a gentle reminder; the technician will also wait. When the Zoom image appears, you will see the audience at the other hub that has been watching all along. Start the discussion by taking a question from a member of your local audience (using a hand gesture). Make sure both question and answer are short (less than about 30s each). Audience members need not say their names (we have no time for that unfortunately). After that, alternate between local and remote audience. To invite the remote audience to ask a question, just say something like “over to you Sydney” and let the remote chair (who may be a student assistant) decide who in the remote audience will speak next. You can also read questions from the YouTube comment stream, if you wish. To see the YouTube stream, find the talk via Moodle on your device during the talk. As an alternative to the YouTube comment stream, people can also comment in Moodle itself, but you may not have time to read that. The comments will be available for the speaker for later discussion.

If there is no live transmission, the discussion session will be the same as a regular conference. People in the audience who ask a question will wait for the microphone. What they say will be recorded on the YouTube stream, but when the talk is played later at another hub, the audience will not watch this discussion. Instead, they will start an independent discussion.

During the discussion, your role is mainly as a moderator. Please clarify any unclear questions or answers, especially considering that many people in the audience do not speak English as a first language. Please also have one or more questions of your own ready. You will probably never ask them, because your audiences will always have preference, but it would be great if you could type them into a discussion forum at some point.

During the last three minutes of the time slot, people can change rooms. The discussion must stop at the correct time because the program cannot be delayed for any reason. The structure of the last three minutes of the slot is as follows: “Time’s up” will show on the conference clock for one minute, music will play for the second minute, and the last minute will be silent. The same applies right before a break. Breaks will also start exactly on time.

Thank you for your support and attention to these details. If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this guideline, please don’t hesitate to ask.