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Call for Papers

The National University of La Plata invites researchers to submit abstracts for the 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition / 10th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ICMPC15/ESCOM10).



Deadline for abstracts’ submissions:
20th of November 2017 (until 23:59 in Austria – 19:59 in Argentina)
Conference language:

(in case of any doubt with language, send us an email to


Call for papers (ENGLISH)   >>>

Call for papers (SPANISH) >>>

Topic areas

Aesthetics (philosophy, meaning)

Cognition (language, learning, memory, imagery, expectation)

Creativity (composition, improvisation)

Developmental psychology (education)

Emotion (expression, communication)

Epistemology (methods, approaches, interdisciplinarity)

Ethnomusicology (anthropology, cultural and cross-cultural studies)

Health (medicine, therapy, well-being)

Movement (gesture, dance)

Music theory (analysis, structure, history)

Origin of music (function, evolution)

Perception (attention, ecology, embodiment)

Performance (timing, singing, technique, ensemble)

Physiology (neuroscience, motor control)

Pitch (melody, harmony, tonality)

Psychoacoustics (acoustics, pitch perception, timbre, loudness)

Rhythm (meter, timing, structure)

Sociology (identity, personality, everyday life, popular music)

Submission categories

  • Regular talks

Presentation of theoretical and empirical works, which can be live-streamed or locally realized in a conventional way. Submission of whole papers for their publication on proceedings will be optional.

After abstract review is completed, and only for those submissions that have been accepted, the organization proposes two other alternative possibilities of work presentation:

  • Symposia (submission only from May 1st, 2018, after abstract review)

Authors whose abstracts were accepted for Regular Talks category can be convened to a symposium that include between 3 and 4 talks related to a central topic. Symposia will be developed at the second part of conference, so that most works have already been presented. The author of one of the works will be the symposium convener, and will present his/her paper live-streamed. The other two or three papers will already have been presented at the first part of the conference; during simposium their audiovisual record will be reproduced, and the chair will be in charge of introducing them and moderate the discussion, ensuring to link them around the shared central topic. The other authors may participate on questions and discussions. In case that one or more abstracts were rejected or accepted only as posters, organizers can propose other accepted abstracts in replacement to be part of the symposium.

  • Keynotes

Out of accepted abstracts, the organizers will select one whose reviews have been excellent and whose larger dissemination is considered valuable, to be live-streamed without superposition of others activities in any hub. This decision remains in charge of ICMPC organizers.

  • Posters

They will be discussed in local sessions. Authors will make a 1-minute video as an introduction to the poster, which will be available on the virtual platform of the event, and which could be presented live-streamed during the conference.

  • Worshops/demostrations

Workshops will be live-streamed and demonstrations could be presented global or locally.

They consist of proposals of research-informed practice (creative, educational, therapeutic and so on) and will have between 30 and 60 minutes for their development.

Abstract characteristics

  • Language: all abstracts have to be written in ENGLISH. In case of any doubt with language, send us an email to
  • Originality: all abstracts have to be originals.
  • Amount of works per author: any person can present any number of abstracts, but the final program will not contain more than one presentation per author (as first or only author) per category.
  • Extension: up to 500 words, including subtitles and references and without title, authors, affiliation, keywords and topic areas.
  • Format

– Talks and poster presentations: Empirical

1. Background

2. Aims

3. Methods

4. Results

5. Conclusions

6. References

– Talks and poster presentations: Theoretical/review

1. Background

2. Aims

3. Main Contribution

4. Implications

5. References

– Workshops

1. Background

2. Aims

3. Audience activities

4. Implications for practice

5. Value for this conference

6. References

– Demonstrations

1. Background

2. Aims

3. Main content

4. Implications for practice

5. Value for this conference

6. References

– Symposia (submitted after abstract acceptance)

1. Outline

2. Accepted abstracts (revised according to reviewers’ comments)

3. References


All submissions will also include:

– Title

– Authors

– Affiliations

– Keywords

– Topic areas

– Hub at which the work will be presented

– Preference for live streaming or only for local presentation


  • The abstract submission URL is Firstly, you have to create an user and choose one hub for work presentation. Secondly, you have to enter the authors the title of your work, and paste the 500 words abstract on the page.